class='date-header'Friday 17 August 2018

All That You Never Wanted To Know About Your Skin Mites

What are Demodex mites and why do they live in my skin and hair follicles?

Demodex mites are parasites that live in hair follicles. The Demodex family of mites contain 65 different species. Of the 65 species, two species live on human skin Demodex Brevis and Demodex Folliculorum.

Demodex mites are microscopic, and they live in the hair follicles on your body, face and scalp. These mites have a lifespan of 2 weeks. A Demodex mite takes half a day to lay her eggs and she will lay them deep inside your hair follicles and two and a half days later the eggs will hatch. Six days after hatching the mites reach adulthood, then they have another five days of life. During this time they eat nutrients and oil from your skin before dying and liquefying in your pores. Mites will typically avoid light, so they only come out at night.

Demodex mites only tend to become a problem for you when they are found in high-density. A number of skin and hair problems have been associated with a high-density population. These nasty mites have been identified as a leading contributor to acne, rosacea, red nose, pimples, blepharitis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, pruritus, itchy skin, hair loss, androgenic alopecia, baldness, aging skin, rough skin, wide pores, freckles, spots, fine wrinkles, dermatosis, rash, discoloration on the face and other skin conditions.

With the right treatment, you can get rid of these mites, and live a healthier life.

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