class='date-header'Wednesday, 24 March 2021

درباره انگل پوستی دمودکس مایت و ارتباط آن با مشکلات پوست و مو

ده قسمت کوتاه درباره انگل های پوستی دمودکس و ارتباط آن با مشکلات پوست و مو

دمودكس مایت ها موجودات کوچک هشت پايي هستند كه در ریشه مو غدد سباسه زير پوست انسان زندگي مي كنند که بسياري از عارضه های پوستي مثل جوش های چرکی صورت، آكنه روزاسه، درماتیت سبوره، گل مژه بلفاريت، خارش پوست، پيري و چين و چروك پوست، شوره پوست و ريزش مو را تشدید می کنند و تا زمانیکه از شر این مهمانان ناخوانده رهایی نیابید برطرف شدن عارضه های پوست و مو مرتبط با تراکم این مایتها بعید می باشد.

از آنجاییکه تا کنون از شناخت این موجودات آنچنانکه باید و شاید غفلت شده برای همه ما انسان ها که خواهان پوستی زیبا و سالم هستیم لازم است تا درباره انگل هاي پوستي مايت هاي دمودكس و ارتباط آن با مشكلات پوستي بيشتر بدانيم.

#دمودکس #مايت #ريزشمو #خارش #آکنه #خشکی_پوست #بلفریت #روزاسه #مشاوره_پوست #پیری_پوست #تست_دمودکس #پوست #مو #بلفاريت #گلمژه #درماتيت #شوره #اگزما #زیبایی #دمودکس_برویس #دمودکس_فولیکولورم #فولیکول_مو #غدد_چربی #آنجكس
class='date-header'Monday, 22 March 2021

Wishing you health, prosperity, longevity and peace this Easter and alwa...

Happy Easter in advance.

Wishing you health, prosperity, longevity, and peace this Easter and always. 


✔️Everything that you've never wanted to know about mites living under your skin!
🦠Got any questions for us? Please feel free to leave your comments or questions and one of our consultants will be in touch with you shortly.
🔴Alternatively, you may subscribe to our channels and be in contact with the Ungex support team.
❤️The team at Ungex wishes you Demodex-free days ahead.

Wishing you all the best,

Ungex Demodex Consultation Support

#Ungex #Demodex #mites #dermatology #healthcare #health #selfcare #healthy #healthylifestyle #acnetreatment #rosacea #hairlosstreatment #facemites #Demodextest #skinhealth 
class='date-header'Friday, 19 March 2021

تبریک نوروزی کارمند استرالیایی شرکت آنجکس

نوروزتان پیروز! 🌺

اینم ویدیو تبریک ویژه ی نوروزی کارمند استرالیایی ما "ایما" از دفتر مرکزی شرکت آنجکس استرالیا.

با آرزوی بهترین ها برای همه ی فارسی زبانان عزیز در سراسر جهان.

نوروزتان پیروز و سال نو مبارک! 
شرکت آنجکس استرالیا
تولید کننده محصولات ضد #دمودکس #آنجکس

class='date-header'Thursday, 11 March 2021

Ungex LIVE with RENOL on His Real Experience With Ungex! | Ungex Demodex...

Ungex LIVE with Renol on His Real Experience with the Ungex Demodex Treatment (Part 2)

This week, we listen as Renol and Emma cover the Ungex products, and how they've played a part in Renol's experience of dealing with mites. He explains his thoughts on our products, protocol, and recounts his overall experience. 

*Remember this is all Renol's experience. We are just happy to listen as he shares. 

Please feel free to follow his journey by clicking subscribe!
- Share this video with your friends.  (Not everyone knows about Demodex mites.) 
- Check out our social media for more information!

#dermatology #demodex #ungex #healthcare #mites #health #demodex_treatment #demodicosis #skinmites #facemites #hairmite #acne, #rosacea, #pimples, #blepharitis, #seborrheic #dermatitis, #eczema, #pruritus, #itchy, #hairloss, #androgenic #alopecia, #baldness, #aging_skin, #freckles, #spots, #rash #demodextest
class='date-header'Thursday, 25 February 2021

Ungex LIVE with Renol on His Skin Issues Linked to the Mites Infestation...

Our Lead Care Consultant, Emma, introduces one of our favorite clients, Renol! In this first episode of Ungex Live, we hear how Renol first discovered he had a Demodex mite infestation, and the experiences he went through at that time.

Stay tuned for part 2/4 next week!

#skinmites #demodex #demodexmites #ungex #skincare #conversations #ungexaustralia

Learn How to Take an Online Test to Estimate Your Demodex Mite Populatio...

This time, Tahni from Ungex Australia HQ is doing a live walk-through of the "Online Demodex Population Test!" 🐛

She hasn't done it before, so join her as she experiences it for the first time, as many of you have/will! 🙌

You Can Also Take The Online Test to Estimate Your Demodex Mite Population Density at Ungex websites.

#Demodex #DemodexMites #SkinCare #Ungex #UngexAustralia #hairhealth #skinhealth #skinmites #onlinequiz
class='date-header'Wednesday, 17 February 2021

How to Use Ungex's Demodex Treatment

How to Use Ungex's Demodex Treatment

Today, Seyed is going to answer one of the most common questions about Ungex's Demodex treatment. What is a 'Die-Off reaction?'

#demodex #demodexmites #ungex #skinhealth #skinmites #hairhealth #inflammatoryskin #acne #rosacea
class='date-header'Thursday, 11 February 2021

كيف تعلم أنك تعاني من مشكلة ديموديكس ؟

كيف تعلم أنك تعاني من مشكلة ديموديكس ؟

إن هذه الأحياء أو الطفيليات موجودة بشكل طبيعي لدى الإنسان ولكن تكمن المشكلة عندما تتكاثر للحد الذي يزيد من كثافتها وعددها وتراكمها ,وعندها سيعاني المرء من أعراض مختلفة سنذكرها في ما يلي فإذا وجدت لديك اثنين أو أكثر من هذه الأعراض حتما انت تعاني من تجمع كثيف لهذه الطفيليات. أما الأعراض فهي كالتالي :

حب الشباب الوردي /الحبوب الوردية الصغيرة
اختلاف وتغير لون البشرة او تصبغات الجلد

نحتفل خلال هذا الشهر لمدة عشرة أيام حتى 20 من فبراير  بالذكرى السنوية العاشرة لتأسيس شركة انجكس أستراليا الشركة الرائدة في أستراليا وأمريكا وكندا والمنتشرة في أغلب دول العالم المتخصصة في علاج مشاكل الجلد والشعر الناشئة من تراكم عث ديموديكس.
وكما عودتكم الشركة على تقديمها العروض الرائعة لزبائنها الكرام وسيكون أكبرها هذا العرض .
اليوم العرض الأقوى والكمية جدا محدودة  أي عملية شراء عبر الموقع  سيتم ارسال ثلاث اضعاف الكمية إليكم .

يعني 3 بسعر الواحد وهذا العرض مطبق لفترة محدودة ولكمية محدودة ويسري على كل المنتجات والحزم والمجموعات الموجودة على موقع البيع  .
راسلوني للحصول على موقع الشراء وكل ما عليكم كتابته في الملاحظات خلال الشراء للحصول على العرض .
للحصول على العرض لا يجب استخدام اي قسيمة أخرى للشراء أو التخفيض ويجب أن تكتب بملاحظات عملية الشراء 3ب1 .
ويجب ذكر اسم الوسيط الذي قدم لكم العرض (الياس) . لمن يرغب بمعرفة المزيد يتواصل معي على الخاص 

#انجكس #بنات #منتجات_طبيعية #صحه #وقاية  #الوردية #مشاكل_جلديه #جلد #شعر #تساقط_الشعر #عث_ديموديكس #10سنوات #سوا_بنكبر #أونلاين #شراء_عبر_الانترنت #العرض_الأقوى #أقوى_العروض 
 #عث_الرموش #ديموديكس #عث_ديموديكس #حب_الشباب_ديموديكس
#داء_الوردية_عث_ديموديكس #اختبار_ديموديكس

class='date-header'Wednesday, 10 February 2021

A Positive Microscopic Demodex Test at Ungex HQ

Can't Miss This Short Live Video of the Positive Demodex Test. Can U?

Our lovely new Ungex team member Tahni gives a rundown on the mite basics and shares her first experience of seeing them moving in front of her!

Due to COVID-19, we are still restricting the in-office microscopic tests, however, you can find out if mites are an issue for you with our free online test which is available for everyone at our Ungex websites.

Note: this sample was taken from a gentleman who was experiencing symptoms of hair loss and itching.

#Ungex #Demodex #Demodextest #DemodexTreatment #Hairmites #Facemites #Skinmites #Humanmites #dermatology #healthcare #mites #experience #covid #beauty #skincare #health 
class='date-header'Thursday, 4 February 2021

Behind the Scenes with the Founder of Ungex Australia | Seyed M Behbahan...

Behind the Scenes with the Founder of Ungex Australia | Seyed M Behbahani | About Ungex Demodex Treatment

Hosted by our star Demodex care Consultant Emma 🤩

Questions for Today:

1. What does the name Ungex mean?
2. What are some common mistakes throughout the Ungex protocol?
4. Do the products have any other benefits besides killing Demodex?


Check our bio for more info on speaking to us about treating Demodex #mites and how Ungex helps to get rid of numerous types of skin complications, such as #acne, #rosacea, red nose, #pimples, #blepharitis, #seborrheic #dermatitis, #atopic dermatitis, #eczema, #pruritus, #itchy_skin, #hairloss, #androgenic #alopecia, #baldness, #aging_skin, rough skin, wide pores, #freckles, #spots, fine #wrinkles, #dermatosis, #rash, discoloration on the face and other skin conditions linked to these nasty skin mites. 


✔️Everything that you've never wanted to know about mites living under your skin!

✅You can’t help but watch this 2-minute introductory video 📽 about ‘Ungex Demodex Treatment’.

🦠Got any questions for us? Please feel free to leave your comments or questions and one of our consultants will be in touch with you shortly.

🔴Alternatively, you may subscribe to our channels and be in contact with the Ungex support team.

❤️The team at #Ungex wishes you #Demodex_free days ahead.

Wishing you all the best,
Ungex Demodex Consultation Support
class='date-header'Tuesday, 2 February 2021

A live interview with the founder of Ungex Australia, hosted by our Demo...

A live interview with the founder of Ungex Australia hosted by our own Demodex Care Consultant Emma Jonez


3 Questions for Today:

1. What does the name Ungex mean?

2. What are some common mistakes throughout the Ungex protocol?

4. Do the products have any other benefits besides killing Demodex?

class='date-header'Friday, 29 January 2021

A Sneak Peek into Ungex HQ's Inner Workings | Ungex Demodex Treatment

A Sneak Peek into Ungex HQ's Inner Workings

A sneak peek into an internal team meeting which we have daily to keep each other up to date, while we are working remotely. A topic of interest came up, which we have decided is too valuable not to share, despite none of us being ‘camera ready!’ 😅

Today’s topic was covering Ungex’s philosophy about the meaning (and implications) of the word ‘invention’ in the health and skincare industry. Specifically, for clients seeking feedback from healthcare professionals, and perhaps not finding the answers they are wanting, or knowing what steps to take from there.

Let us know if you found this useful and perhaps, we will share more of our inner-workings in the future. Take care!

Ungex’s 10th Anniversary | Ungex Demodex Mite Treatment

Ungex’s 10th Anniversary!

10 years have passed. We have crossed mountains of experience… Yet, have soaring peaks ahead of us.

It seems like yesterday we started empty-handed, with a mind full of brilliant ideas.

And today, we have many colleagues and friends from around the world.

We won the ‘Best Invention of the Year’ award, and developed a variety of skincare products, to help people around the world live better!

Now, on the eve of Ungex’s 10th anniversary, we are ready to take the winding road ahead.

We are hopeful about the future and excited to meet more friends along the way!

We work together, learn together, and hope to succeed together.

We celebrate our journey, and embrace every memory on the 10th anniversary of Ungex!
class='date-header'Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Ungex Demodex Treatment - Ungex protocol application

Join Emma in her first live Q&A of 2021 💫

Don’t miss this opportunity to ask Ungex’s leading Demodex Consultant your burning questions on all things skin/mite related! 🙌

About #Ungex #Demodex Treatment